What are stem cells? Click on this article to learn about stem cells' origin and their different kinds.
Figure 1: Stem cells
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are raw unspecialised cells that are found in the human body from which all the other human cells function and generate. For the stem cells to function and generate, they divide into smaller cells known as the daughter cells that help them carry out their own functions in the body. Stem cells have great interest in the science field as they help us understand how diseases are created, Replace disease-affected cells, and help to test out drugs for safety and effectiveness.
Where do stem cells come from?
In cases of leukaemia and other diseases, stem cells can be generated from bone marrow transplants while in other cases such as in stem cell research these cells are usually generated from adult donors, embryos or altered human cells. Embryonic stem cells can usually be seen in 3-5 days embryos where the embryo has 150 cells. Adult stem cells are found in very small amounts in adult tissues like bone marrows, this gives them a limited number of cells they'll be able to function into.
Figure 2: showing the process of how embryonic stem cells are made
What is the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells?
To start with the similarities; Both types of stem cells are found in multicellular organisms, both are unspecialised then multiply and differentiate to function into different cells. Embryonic stem cells are formed through the early stages of pregnancy (Blastocyst stage) which gives them the opportunity to develop into any type of cell. This makes their potency pluripotent. Adult stem cells are found in differentiated tissues and organs of multicellular organisms. The different tissues they are found in include; bone marrow, brain, blood, liver, skin, skeletal muscles, and adipose tissue. They cannot develop into as many cells, but only into closely related cells which makes their potency multipotent.
Plant Stem Cells
Plant stem cells are found in areas called meristems that are found at the tips of roots and shoots that are able to differentiate into all cell types.
Meristemcells are small and spherical in shape, their cytoplasm is dense and has very few vacuoles. To divide, they undergo mitosis to become different specialised cells.
Future of stem cells (Stem Cell Therapy)
Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that is done to repair damaged body cells, this is only available for a few medical conditions. This form of therapy doesn't cure the medical disease but it does allow patients to feel less pain with the disease and gives them a longer and higher quality of life. There have only been a few successful stem cell treatments such as bone marrow transplantation to treat blood and immune system disorders to cure certain types of cancer. However there are some disadvantages to stem cell therapy such as short and long-term health problems, making the diseases difficult to manage, and it can be more expensive as compared to other treatments. Receipt of one unproven or experimental treatment may make you ineligible for future clinical trials or treatment options.